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Waves: Live Bundle

Opravdu poprvé firma Waves přináší tradiční „živé“ nástroje v Live bundlu, který obsahuje 27 jednotně optimalizovaných pluginů pro sérii Digidesign Venue. Nahrávací a broadcastingové legendy, jako jsou L2 Ultramaximizer, C4 MultiBand, a MaxxBass jsou nyní optimalizovány pro VENUE D-Show konzole. Ve spojení s dalšími pluginy vznikla skvělá základna zvukových procesorů pro úpravy zvuku v reálném čase pro Venue zvaná Waves Live Bundle.

Obsažené pluginy:

  • AudioTrack Equalization, gating, and compression in one easy-to-use channel strip.
  • C1 Parametric Compander Compression, expansion, gating, and equalization in three independent modules.
  • C4 MultiBand 4 bands of expansion, limiting, compression plus dynamic and standard EQ.
  • DeEsser High frequency sibilance attenuation.
  • Doppler Create the Doppler effect by controlling the frequency change, speed, and distance from your sonic source.
  • Doubler Double tracking effects to fatten up your sound.
  • Enigma A combination of filters, short delay feedback loops, reverb, and LFO modulation for flanging, phasing, and beyond.
  • L1 Ultramaximizer™ Peak limiting and maximizing.
  • L2 Ultramaximizer™ Peak limiting and maximizing, with ARC automatic release control.
  • MaxxBass® Psycho-acoustic bass enhancement.
  • MetaFlanger Vintage tape flanging and phaser emulation.
  • MondoMod AM, FM and Rotation modulation.
  • PAZ Analyzer Realtime visual representation of stereo positioning, frequency spread, and Peak/RMS levels.
  • PS22 Stereo Maker Mono-to-stereo and stereo enhancement.
  • Q10 Paragraphic Equalizer 1,2,4,6,8, and 10 band equalization components.
  • Renaissance Axx Compression optimized for guitar.
  • Renaissance Bass MaxxBass bass enhancement with streamline controls.
  • Renaissance Channel Channel strip with equalization, compression, limiting, and gating.
  • Renaissance Compressor Warm, analog-style compression.
  • Renaissance DeEsser High frequency sibilance attenuation with paragraphic display.
  • Renaissance Equalizer 2, 4, or 6 band EQ featuring real-time EQ graphing and vintage-modeled filter curves.
  • Renaissance Reverb Paragraphic reverb with rich tails, advanced early reflection system, and dual-band EQ and damping controls.
  • Renaissance Vox Compression, gating, and limiting optimized for vocals.
  • S1 Stereo Imager Advanced stereo enhancement.
  • SuperTap 6-tap delay with option manual BPM sync and EQ and filter options.
  • TransX Transient Shaper Add punch and accentuate or attenuate instrumental attacks and modify room acoustics.
  • TrueVerb Reverb with Early Reflections simulation for natural-sounding virtual acoustic spaces.
Vložil HS, St, 2006-11-29 13:19